Monday, May 31, 2010


I discovered this song today. It's incredible. Check it out! :)

Know that you are loved :)


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

America has no more stars, now we call them idols.

I’m writing this as I watch this year’s American Idol finale. I was a huge fan of the show when I was younger, but I haven’t watched it for the last few seasons. This year, one of the contestants comes from my area, so it’s been a BIG deal around here. Each night on the news, American Idol takes center stage with performance recaps and updates about local events corresponding with the show. Some churches hosted “idol parties” each week, which were broadcasted live on the news after American Idol. The idea of a church hosting an “idol party” seems a bit ironic, no? Each night, the live broadcast would show a room full of people screaming at the top of their lungs as if their lives depended on it, cheering on this contestant from their hometown. I couldn’t help but wonder if these people got this excited for worship on Sunday morning. Now, I’m all for people supporting a local, talented, deserving individual. But what happens when that excitement overshadows the excitement we have for our God? When does the word “idol” become something more than the name of a TV show?

There isn’t an easy answer to that question. And honestly, this has nothing to do with American Idol and everything to do with the things that fight for our loyalties every single day. These are questions we are meant to wrestle with, and the answers are meant to shape who we are becoming in Christ. God commands us to have no other gods before God [Exodus 20.3], but “before” can also be translated as “besides.” It seems like the command to have no gods “before” God could essentially mean that as long as God is FIRST in our lives, whatever is second and third and fourth doesn’t really matter. But if we understand this word as “besides,” the message changes quite a bit, doesn’t it? What does it mean to have no gods besides God? I think this sums it up well: “The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” [Deuteronomy 6.4] We can be sure of two things: First, we ALL have things in our lives that fight for our allegiances. Second, in the moments when we get it right and love God with our WHOLE heart, there won’t be room for anything else!

Pray peace. Make peace. Live peace.

Katie :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

it’s a new season…it’s a new day :)

Two weekends ago, spring semester ended and I moved home from Bluffton. I did stick around for May Day and Graduation, though, and I'm so glad I did! It was a beautiful weekend filled with friends and laughter and tears and conversation and worship and everything I’ve come to love about the Bluffton community. After graduation, as I stood in the middle of the football field saying goodbye to seniors, friends, and professors, I realized that just six months ago, I didn’t even know that Bluffton existed. But from the moment I stepped on campus, the Bluffton community has welcomed me with open arms and in just six months it has become such a part of me! I am thankful for this spring- it was an unexpected, life-changing, beautiful, unforgettable season in my life…thanks be to God!

But now, it’s a new season…summer is here! I am so excited for everything God has in store for summer 2010! Everyone is asking me, “What are you doing this summer?” and the answer to that question is more of a list than a one-word answer for me. My summer really kicks off in two weeks with West Ohio Annual Conference, where I will serve as a delegate. Conference is always one of the best weeks of my year…this will be my 20th year at Lakeside for Annual Conference and my 4th year as a delegate. It’s an incredible week of fun, fellowship, worship, meetings, politics, and a lot of ice cream…United Methodism at its very best! The rest of June will be spent packing, moving, and settling into a new home, as my family is moving to a new church and new town at the end of June. I’m so excited to settle back into a parsonage, although I never thought I’d say that, and I’m excited to spend time investing in this new church and community! Once we settle into our new home, at the end of July I’m headed to Mexico where I will spend two weeks serving at the Casa de Misericordia UM orphanage. This will be my fourth trip to the Casa…I can’t wait! I will return from Mexico just in time to spend a few more weeks at home and head back to school in the fall! And in addition to the events of my summer, I’m also taking on a few different projects and goals…but I think I’ll save those for another blog! ;)

As you can see, this summer of 2010 is going to be a busy one! I trust that this season, like the last, will be an exciting season of growth and joy in my faith journey!

Pray peace. Make peace. Live peace.

Katie :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And everything has changed.

It’s finals week here at Bluffton. I am three presentations away from finishing my freshman year of college. I am four days away from moving home for the summer. Tomorrow I have two presentations in Spanish and one presentation to the administration for my Restorative Justice class. I’ll be spending Friday with my friends relaxing and doing all the things we said we wanted to do before summer but haven’t done yet…including, but not limited to, a walk to the Whippy Dip for ice cream and a movie at the Shannon…and maybe a trip to Chipotle. Saturday is May Day, which is a big deal around here from what I’ve gathered. And Sunday is baccalaureate and commencement, which I’m going to since I know (and love!) SO many seniors here. I could be moving home tomorrow when I finish my exams, but I’m sticking around for as long as possible. I’m not ready for my freshman year to be over…I’m not ready for spring semester to be over…and I’m certainly not ready to leave Bluffton! I love this place and the people here SO much!

It’s amazing how much has changed this year. Most of all, it’s amazing how much I have changed. I had an interesting conversation today during a meeting with one of my professors. I’ve been known to call myself crazy for the decisions I make…decisions to push myself harder than most people would choose to…decisions to do my best when good would be more than sufficient…and decisions to follow God and my passions even when that isn’t easy or logical. We were talking about this and about my Bluffton journey so far, and she said something that surprised me; she told me that I’m not crazy...what I am is a very motivated person who is willing to try new things and adjust to God’s leading. The first part didn’t come as a surprise…I’m motivated so much that it can be a weakness sometimes. But the second part, about being willing to try new things and adjust to God’s leading, really struck me. I have always been someone who prefers to make plans and be in control, but God has changed me so much in the past year. This change was evidenced by my professor’s words…she described me in a way I would never have described myself because she sees the person I am today, not the person I used to be. A year ago, my plans were set in stone…and they were impressive plans. But God had other plans…good plans. This year I learned to take risks, trust God, and let go of the plans I had carefully made...and those were not easy lessons! Before that conversation today, I knew that God had taught me new lessons this year. What I didn’t realize was that this year I have done more than learn lessons, I have become a new person in Christ.

Thank You, God, for this amazing place and for incredible professors who recognize who I have become in You even before I do!

"So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!"
-2 Corinthians 5.17

Pray peace. Make peace. Live peace.

Katie :)